Sunday, December 16, 2007

Christmas comes early

The big present Steve and I got this year was a new bed. We finally upgraded to a king-size (no more queen - much more room when the rugrats crawl in with us in the mornings), and splurged on a Sleep Number bed. The boxes for the bed were thrown downstairs today after we put it together, and the kids had a blast treating it like a big fort. They've played in and on them all day. It's been a castle, a spaceship, and filled with scary monsters that only a flashlight will make go away - according to Izzy. So - we'll take back their other Christmas presents, and the cardboard fort will stay as their Christmas gift. =) Not really - but you gotta love how kids can be amused for the longest time with the simplest things. I probably will keep it around for the week just so they can play with it for a while.

1 comment:

mjoyhoffecker said...

You have to love boxes! We still have our "kitchen boat" box. I think we have had it now for 2 months.