Thursday, June 24, 2010

Family Portraits

We recently had some family portraits taken. Here's the best of the bunch, and what we got printed for ourselves.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Friday, June 18, 2010

2010 Graduation

Izzy graduated from Little Blessings Preschool tonight. Where did the time go?

The Class of 2010!

Making the walk....

With her AMAZING teachers - Miss Kelly and Miss Bev.

One proud mommy!

Zach and Emily with their teachers - Miss Heather and Miss Marcy.

The 3-year-old "See You Later, Alligator" program... since they'll all be back next year.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

End of Year Field Trips

The kids each had their end of the year field trips these last couple weeks. Both classes went to the Capron Park Zoo for the day. Here's a few pictures.

Zach and Emily's class:

It's a stare-down!

Izzy's class:

Izzy and her good friend Caroline.

...with one of her teachers, Miss Bev.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Look who made it into The Union-Leader - the largest newspaper in NH! Too bad it's such a pointless picture! Steve looks bored, and who knows what Emily was doing? HA! At least the photo with Steve's dad in the background that was on the front page looked good!

Green Monstah!

Last night we had a once-in-a-lifetime experience of getting to sit on top of the Green Monster to watch a Red Sox game. It was AMAZING. For those of you that might not be familiar with what the MONSTAH is... here's a little explantion: ... basically the BEST SEATS OF ANY BALLPARK IN THE COUNTRY! =)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day

Waiting for the Londonderry parade to start and watching for Grandpa!

GRANDPA!!! making his appearance....

Chaplain Introne giving the prayer during the Memorial ceremony.


Our family stone on the memorial square in the middle of town.
Grandma and Grandpa.